Thursday, October 16, 2008

Louisville KOA

I could not get out of the Days Inn soon enough this morning. I started making noise early in the a.m. to wake the kids. We left, grabbed some coffee at Starbuck's across the street (I'm out of Peet's!), picked up some groceries and successfully navigated our way across town to the KOA, in the rain to boot! The kids said, "This is the GREATEST campground!!" Again, we are right by park, there's a nature walk that leads down to a cave and a beautiful river, and there's a catfish pond. The hosts are really kind, and one is from San Diego.

By 11am we were doing school work and did that just about all day. I love these rainy days, not only because I love the rain, but it makes doing school work much easier. It was also 20 degrees cooler, so we enjoyed the 60s temperature. And a moment of boasting---the RV doesn't leak in the rain. I am so proud of the Big Broken Down Turd.

At night, we watched the moon rise and read.

From Lilly:
When we got to the KOA, the park was really fun. There is this bouncey pillow thing that is inflated with air. Jackson, Sammy and I ran around and played tag on it, only because it was so fun. It's about the size of a swimming pool. Thanks for listening.

We are in Louisville, KY, and at the KOA Kentucky Louisville place, there's a big kind of bouncey thing. The colors that were on it are red, blue and yellow, green and that's all. We bounced on it and played tag. We played in our socks, so we slipped a lot, and then the other time we were barefoot. And the KOA has an arcade.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How much duct tape did you have to use to keep the Big Turd from leaking? Am jealous of the beautiful and crisp fall weather, and colors, you are all experiencing. Nothing but warm santa ana days in San Diego right now! Love from The Fortunes!