Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is a beautiful state!! And it's cold! At noon today, it was still only 45 degrees! We spent the morning doing our school work while still at the KOA. For lunch we drove to what's called the Old Mill. It's the mill in the opening scene of Gone with the Wind. It was so cool, and the kids loved it. I pulled the RV right up to the water, and we ate lunch on the lake. We spent almost 2 hours just having lunch and doing journals down by the water. From there we went to what the Arkansas locals call "Big Dam Bridge." We rode bikes all along the river and then walked up the span of the bridge for a great view. I can't post pictures tonight, so I'll try tomorrow. It felt so good to walk and walk. Sam rode her scooter and the big kids did the bikes. It was great.

By early evening we arrived at the home of Kevin Churchill's parents in Little Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill opened their home up to us with warm and inviting arms. They had dinner ready for us, and we each got our own place to sleep! I even got my own bed. We had a great dinner with wonderful company. The Churchills feel like old friends already, we may never leave. Thank you so much Kevin, Kathy and Spence. We are in good hands!

Tomorrow promises to be a fabulous day. We are crashing in on their grandson's field trip to the Heiffer farm. It's a program that raises cows (and other farm animals) and gives them to developing countries to help families in need. Sharon, I'm thinking of you! I've wanted to learn more about this program, and have the kids learn too, so this is a great opportunity for us.

Mike comes in on Thursday, and we'll have a fun-filled three days with him. Jack just wants to watch baseball and fish. Big surprise!


Sharon said...

Woo-hoo! for Heifer Int'l. I can't wait to know more. Your time in Arkansas is gong to be lovely.
Think about you!

TimoteoB said...

When you're there, tell them that my parents are still looking for the water buffalo I bought them a few years ago...