Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back to Springfield

Well, the kids were pretty ready to leave our campgound this morning. After a breakfast of pancakes, we drove back towards downtown Hannibal, about 3 miles, and stopped at "Lovers Leap." Story goes that an Indian Princess fell in love with an Indian brave from an opposing tribe. They were found together, chased up this bluff, and the brave was about to be killed by other warrior indians. Rather than live without him, the princess chose to jump off the bluff with her indian brave to their deaths. The kids said, "they did what?" The view was spectacular. That's the picture on the blog.

From there we toured Mark Twain's home, drove by "unsinkable Molly Brown's" home and got GAS! GAS was the cheapest I've found on the trip. Only $2.87 gallon! I felt so good!

Once back in Springfield, I needed to stop at some remblance of civilization. A mall sufficed. The kids said, "Mom, you never let us go to Toys R Us!" So we went. They brought all their money and shopped. Then Lilly wanted to see animals at Petco, and the kids all got haircuts, which they definitely needed. I can know see their faces again. We ended our shopping day at Wal-Mart. A mere 3 1/2 hours later, we drove the last 5 miles to our campground.

I found this grocery store in town too-one that actually has an organic section. I was sooo happy to shop there! I stocked up; microwaveable organic dinners for one are my new favorite meal. i think Mike is having the same meal service at home.

Meals have become certainly one of the easier parts, as I have lowered my expectations to a level I didn't know existed. Much harder than meals are keeping the RV clean and organized (this is by far the #1 challenge, and it's CONSISTENT!). The other challenges are keeping the kids on task with school work. Finding the time between everything else is difficult. My other hot button is trying to remain calm at 9pm when they are wound up, and I am beyond exhausted. I think I've only said "shut-up" one night, gave myself a time out two other times, and average losing my cool (elevated voice with direct eye contact) about every 4th or 5th day. I don't think that's too bad. And, they are now very versed in "if MOM is happy, WE are happy." Call it a mantra if you want.

whoops-look like the picture can't be posted on the blog. Just use your imagination and think of the Mississippi River.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

You are an amazing woman in so many ways, but to ahve only said 'shut-up' once in all this time is a true feat! You are awesome. Loving the updates.