Some people have asked that I do my "last entry" on the blog. So here it is...
We've been home now just two weeks. The arrival home even included crossing a bonafide finish line--TP strung across the street by welcoming family and friends. It was the perfect homecoming.
The original plan was that the kids would start back to school in January, giving us some time to finish up our homeschool work etc. But when I went to re-register the kids, the teachers said to come back early since the 4th and 5th grades had these GREAT week-long field trips to Old Town and Balboa Park starting the week of December 15th. Jackson and Lilly were chomping at the bit, and Sammy was very eager to start in her kindergarten class. Today is their first full-day back at Hearst, and they are absolutely thrilled and happy to see all their friends and tell them a little about our adventure. I am happy to have this week before Christmas to get my head above water. There still some RV unloading to do.
It's great to be home. Not surprisingly we've all had some adjusting to do. The big thing is boredom. We all got very used to having so much going on, as far as always being in new places etc., that the kids started to go a little stir crazy just being here. School only took up so much time before they were ready to do something else. That's why it was so nice to have them be able to return early to Hearst.
I think about the trip every day, finding it hard to believe it's come and gone. I learned so much, not just about our country, but all that other stuff that comes to your mind when you allow it to. Time on the road is a great chance to think. The kids made a book while on the trip, and I uploaded it online. We should receive it this week, and I can hardly wait. They did all the illustrations and wrote about the places they'd been. Now if only it could be on Oprah's best seller, or Border's best seller, we'd earn back some of our trip expenses.
We've taken the RV out a few times since we've been home. It kinda feels funny to drive it around town, like we're supposed to head off somewhere again. But the best part is I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING WHEN I'M DRIVING IT AND DON'T HAVE TO TRY AND READ SIGNS, LISTEN TO THE GPS, LOOK AT MAPS ALL AT THE SAME TIME! It's parked out in front of our house, and will be our mobil guest room should anyone come and visit us. I'm sure the neighbors love us.
I'll be looking for work come January. Wouldn't it be great if my new job required some USA travel-with-kids suggestions?! I have some great advise for those looking to replicate this trip!
In the mean time, if anyone knows of P/T work that changes the world in some positive way, has great flexibillity and pays well, just let me know. I'm sure there are a lot of those jobs, eveywhere.
That's it from the RoadScholarz. It was such a great trip, in so many ways. I think we'd all do it again in a NY minute, but we'd have to bring Daddy and the dogs.
Keep on truckin,
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